Thursday, July 10, 2008

i <3 my BB...

i was thinking, since i have a fancy phone there has to be some fancy applications i can download... and since its been out for a little bit theres gotta be some free ones right? so i found a couple that i downloaded and love so far...

BlackBerry has a map thingie standard... u can get directions and stuff and look up local searches like on Google maps so i downloaded the actual Google maps application here if u have gps on your phone it'll tell u exactly where u are and if not it'll give u an approximate location just in case u dont know where u are... its a free OTA download... u punch in your number and they text you the link to download...

everyone i know that has a berry says that the internet browser sucks... some websites come up in a mobile view, or u cant really see the whole page and its a pain in the butt to try and scroll all over the place and find something...Opera Mini is pretty cool... it shows up kinda like a mini version of the whole page and u have a view box that you can move around and zoom into... i havent really used it much but so far so good... you can go here and pick which BlackBerry you have and it'll tell u how to download...

Yahoo! has a mobile app too... its kinda cool because you download the apps and its got a whole bunch of different widgets... like when u go to the site on ur computer... they really jus simplified the website to be on ur phone and its cool... u can add more widgets and customize what u want on there... This one is an OTA download too... jus plug in ur number and they text you the link to download...

and of course i downloaded a cute ass hello kitty theme...

theres a whole bunch of cool free apps on this website

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