Thursday, July 24, 2008

stop it...

i'm a little bit irritated at things i've been noticing around me... i don't mean to be a downer debbie... i just have a few things i wanna get off my chest...

look...if you're finna do something... do it right please???... and its ok to not know what your talking about... but actively do some research and learn something before you make any big moves... and if you make mistakes... thats ok... learn from them... don't just do things because you think its cool or whatever... be about something positive(haha as i'm sitting here typing about the stuff that irks me... its my blog i can do whatever i want!!!)...

lets start with the word "couture"... Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
cou·ture Audio Help /kuˈtʊər; Fr. kuˈtür/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[koo-toor; Fr. koo-tyr] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the occupation of a couturier; dressmaking and designing.
2. fashion designers or couturiers collectively.
3. the clothes and related articles designed by such designers.
4. the business establishments of such designers, esp. where clothes are made to order.
5. created or produced by a fashion designer: couture clothes.
6. being, having, or suggesting the style, quality, etc., of a fashion designer; very fashionable: the couture look.
[Origin: 1905–10; <>

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
cou·ture Audio Help (kōō-tŏŏr', -tür') Pronunciation Key

1. The business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, usually custom-made clothing for women.
2. Dressmakers and fashion designers considered as a group.
3. The high-fashion clothing created by designers.

i really need every other word that comes out a "designers" mouth to not be "couture"... i was a little confused when i first started hearing it more and more because i thought that couture was more custom handmade ish... and then a clothing brand came out slapped a word on the ass of a sweat suit and called it "couture"... and it seemed like everywhere you turned that word was spilling out peoples mouthes like they had verbal diarrhea...then there are the people that i meet that would ask me if i'm going to do couture... and the honest answer is... yes... i do have plans to make some couture dresses for some people in the future... probably wedding dresses... hand beaded... french seams... tailored... but thats the way i think they should be made... custom... i think it stops being couture when you send a picture to the factories in China and Vietnam and they start mass producing your ish at dirt cheap prices... all those overlocked garments that you see that sh*t aint couture...

this next thing i have mixed feelings about... starting clothing lines... now... i'm probably a little bit jealous of the people that seem to just decide they wanna do this and start printing t-shirts with their logo on em and selling em at $35 bucks a pop... please believe that if you're tryna get your hustle on more power to you... but... its almost like the creativeness and innovation in fashion has disappeared... now its kids printing their logos in crazy colorways and calling it a clothing line... i honestly don't see how they'll make it for very long... sh*t even the biggest companies are starting to fall right now... is your business plan really that put together and your plan for more than just one season really that strong??? are you more than just a few clicks on the color palette on Adobe Illustrator??? show me please... i want to learn...

i'm not trying to offend anyone with this next thing... and if i do i'm sorry... my goal here is not to hurt but to help... i think that there are way too many girl's wearing things they shouldn't these days... i'm all about creating your own style and expressing who you are through what you wear... but let's wear clothes that fit... i'm tired of seeing girls that wear shirts that accentuate their rolls!!! or show parts of their bodies that others probably don't want to see... now if you're happy with the way you look that's wonderful!!! but can we get some clothes that fit you??? there are too many options now these days... you can get a cute shirt that fits you and doesn't show off your belly or give you the 4 boob syndrome... no bueno ladies!!! trust... i have issues with my size too... but you don't see my ass running round in too short shorts and a tank top that makes me look preggers and like my back has boobs too... if you need help... ask somebody!!!there are ways to make you look beautiful without doing all that....

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